1708 Gallery

319 West Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23220
Tue-Fri: 11am-5pm
Saturday: 11am-4pm

Bring Your Own Beamer to InLight on Nov 2nd!

Calling All Artists for BYOB-RVA

at 1708 Gallery’s InLight Richmond
Friday, November 2, 7 p.m. to midnight

Organized by Norberto Gomez, Jr., BYOB-RVA is a feature of InLight Richmond 2012, 1708 Gallery’s 5th annual public exhibition of light-based art and performances.

BYOB or Bring Your Own Beamer is a series of one-night exhibitions hosting artists and their beamers (projectors). All artists are invited to show work during BYOB-RVA, with the only requirement being they provide their own projector (open to interpretation) and work. Installation is free-form, with artists reacting to the space and their fellow beamers throughout the night.

Beamers, or projectors, may consist of typical digital projectors used by computers or TVs, overhead projectors, or even a child’s toy. Other “screen” materials like computer monitors or televisions are also acceptable. BYOB-RVA is also open to creative interpretations of a “projector,” light & dark as medium, the moving image, music/sound/noise, installation, shadow-performance, etc. Please bring your cords, dvd players, computers, VCR, extra power strips, etc.

First initiated by Rafaël Rozendaal in 2010, over 80 BYOB events have taken place throughout the world, from Berlin and Tokyo, to San Francisco and New York City.

For more information check out the BYOB-RVA Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/531875486838474/ or email Norberto at info@norbertogomezjr.com.

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